Unraveling the Mystery: How to Get the Position of a Node from Other Scripts in GDScript
Image by Parkin - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Get the Position of a Node from Other Scripts in GDScript

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Hey there, fellow GDScript enthusiasts! Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering how to get the position of a node from other scripts in GDScript? Well, wonder no more! In this in-depth article, we’ll delve into the world of Godot Engine and explore the various ways to achieve this seemingly daunting task. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

Understanding Node Positions in GDScript

In GDScript, every node has a unique position, which is essential for creating engaging and interactive scenes. The position of a node is a crucial aspect of scene management, as it determines the node’s location and orientation in the scene. However, accessing and manipulating node positions from other scripts can be a bit tricky, especially for beginners.

The Basics: Accessing Node Positions

To get the position of a node from another script, you need to understand how to access node properties. In GDScript, you can access node properties using the `get_node()` function, which returns a reference to the desired node. Once you have a reference to the node, you can access its properties using dot notation.

var my_node = get_node("MyNode")

In the above code, `get_node(“MyNode”)` returns a reference to the node named “MyNode”, and `my_node.position` accesses the node’s position property.

Method 1: Using the `get_node()` Function

The most straightforward way to get the position of a node from another script is by using the `get_node()` function. This function takes a string argument, which is the path to the node you want to access.

func _ready():
    var my_node = get_node("MyNode")

In the above code, `get_node(“MyNode”)` returns a reference to the node named “MyNode”, and `print(my_node.position)` prints the node’s position to the console.

Method 2: Using a SIGNAL

Another way to get the position of a node from another script is by using signals. Signals are a powerful way to communicate between scripts in GDScript. You can emit a signal from one script and connect it to a function in another script.

// In MyNode.gd
signal position_changed()

func _process(delta):
    emit_signal("position_changed", position)

// In OtherScript.gd
func _ready():
    var my_node = get_node("MyNode")
    my_node.connect("position_changed", self, "_on_position_changed")

func _on_position_changed(position):

In the above code, `MyNode.gd` emits a `position_changed` signal whenever the node’s position changes. The `OtherScript.gd` script connects to this signal and prints the node’s position to the console whenever it receives the signal.

Method 3: Using a Node Reference

Yet another way to get the position of a node from another script is by using a node reference. A node reference is a variable that holds a reference to a node.

var my_node = MyNode.new()

func _ready():
    my_node = get_node("MyNode")

In the above code, `my_node` is a node reference that holds a reference to the node named “MyNode”. You can access the node’s position using the `my_node.position` syntax.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

When working with node positions in GDScript, it’s essential to keep in mind the following common pitfalls and best practices:

  • Avoid using `get_node()` in the `_ready()` function: `get_node()` can return `null` if the node is not yet initialized. Instead, use `get_node()` in the `_process()` function or use a signal to ensure the node is initialized before accessing its properties.
  • Use `get_node_or_null()` instead of `get_node()`: `get_node_or_null()` returns `null` if the node is not found, whereas `get_node()` will throw an error.
  • Be mindful of node hierarchies: When accessing node positions, make sure you’re accessing the correct node in the hierarchy. Use the `get_parent()` function to traverse the node hierarchy if necessary.
  • Use signals for decoupling scripts: Signals provide a way to decouple scripts and make your code more modular and reusable.


In this article, we’ve explored the various ways to get the position of a node from other scripts in GDScript. Whether you’re using the `get_node()` function, signals, or node references, accessing node positions is a fundamental aspect of scene management in Godot Engine. By following the best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging and interactive scenes in no time!

Method Description Example
`get_node()` Function Accesses a node by its path `var my_node = get_node(“MyNode”)`
SIGNAL Emit a signal from one script and connect it to a function in another script `emit_signal(“position_changed”, position)`
Node Reference Holds a reference to a node `var my_node = MyNode.new()`

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comments below!

Additional Resources

For more information on GDScript and Godot Engine, be sure to check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Unlocking the Secrets of Node Positioning in Godot!

How do I get the position of a node from another script in GDScript?

You can get the position of a node from another script by using the `get_node()` function. For example, if you want to get the position of a node named “Player” from a script attached to another node, you can use `get_node(“../Player”).position`. This will return the position of the “Player” node relative to its parent node.

What if the node I want to access is a child of another node?

No problem! You can use the `get_node()` function to traverse the node hierarchy. For example, if the node you want to access is a child of a node named “Container”, you can use `get_node(“../Container/ChildNode”).position`. This will return the position of the “ChildNode” node relative to its parent node.

How do I get the position of a node in global coordinates?

To get the position of a node in global coordinates, you can use the `global_transform.origin` property. For example, `get_node(“../Player”).global_transform.origin` will return the global position of the “Player” node.

What if I want to access a node from a completely different scene?

You can use the `get_tree().get_root().get_node()` function to access nodes from other scenes. For example, `get_tree().get_root().get_node(“OtherScene/NodeName”).position` will return the position of the “NodeName” node in the “OtherScene” scene.

Is there a way to check if a node exists before trying to access its position?

Yes, you can use the `has_node()` function to check if a node exists before trying to access its position. For example, `if has_node(“../Player”): print(get_node(“../Player”).position)`. This will only print the position of the “Player” node if it exists.